SPE-Kartusche Bond Elut-C2, 100 mg, 1 ml, 100 St/Pkg
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SPE-Kartusche Bond Elut-C2, 100 mg, 1 ml, 100 St/Pkg

Artikel-Nr.: AG12102003
Marke: Agilent Technologies
Lieferung nach:
EU-Länder Schweiz
PAK (100 pc)


Bond Elut C2 is a fairly non-polar sorbent because of the short chain length of the functional group. C2 is often used during the process of method development if analytes are retained too strongly on a C8 or C18 phase. The polarity of C2 is slightly lower than a cyano phase for polar interactions.

Mehr Informationen

  • techn. Details
Marke Agilent Technologies
Sorbens C1/C2/C3/C5
Füllmenge 100 mg
Gefäßvolumen 1 ml
Typ Bond Elut

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