CU-FE-SI-ZN ULTRAA Hohlkathodenlampe kodiert
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CU-FE-SI-ZN ULTRAA Hohlkathodenlampe kodiert

Artikel-Nr.: AG5610135100
Marke: Agilent Technologies
Lieferung nach:
EU-Länder Schweiz
PAK (1 pc)


UltrAA lamps are high-intensity, boosted discharge hollow cathode lamps. They use the standard lamp current, but apply an extra boost discharge within the lamp to increase the emission intensity. The boost current is supplied from a secondary control module (either integrated into the instrument or supplied from an external module).UltrAA lamps are manufactured from the purest cathode materials, and every lamp is QA/QC tested to guarantee performance and reliability. These lamps are coded for automatic lamp recognition (except for 50/55 AA, SpectrAA-50/55 and SpectrAA-5 models), eliminating the risk of time-consuming errors when reprogramming the lamp position.

Mehr Informationen

  • techn. Details
Marke Agilent Technologies
Kodierung Varian
Element Cu, Fe, Si, Zn

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