Pfannen, Deckel und O-Ringe aus Edelstahl, 20St/Pkg

Pfannen, Deckel und O-Ringe aus Edelstahl, 20St/Pkg

Artikel-Nr.: PE03190218
Marke: PerkinElmer
Lieferung nach:
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
PAK (20 pc)


The Stainless Steel Pans, Covers and O-Rings have an operating range of -40 to 300°C, a volume of 60 µL, and a maximum pressure threshold of 24 bar. Includes 20 each of pans, covers, and o-rings. When used on the DSC 8000/8500, Diamond DSC and Pyris 1 DSC autosamplers, use platinum lids for the sample and reference furnace covers (B0182981).

These high pressure pans and covers contain a sample in a sealed environment throughout an experiment. This ensures that the heat generated from vaporization or a volatile reaction does not interfere with the analyzer's measurements. These pans are compatible with the DSC 6/7/4000/6000/8000/8500/Jade DSC/Diamond DSC/PYRIS 1 DSC/PYRIS 6 DSC.

Mehr Informationen

  • techn. Details
Marke PerkinElmer
Material Edelstahl
Typ Pfannen-Set

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