Küvetten-Probenhalter für die 150 mm Ulbricht-Kugeln

Küvetten-Probenhalter für die 150 mm Ulbricht-Kugeln

Artikel-Nr.: PEC6951019
Marke: PerkinElmer
Lieferung nach:
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
PAK (1 pc)


The Cuvette Sample Holder accommodates 1 cm cuvettes for transmission or reflectance mode measurements using the 150 mm Integrating Spheres. With this part number, this holder can be ordered as a replacement or spare holder..

The 150 mm Integrating Sphere is the recommended accessory for the measurement of total solar reflectance and transmittance in the glass industry and for the measurement of UV transmittance of paint films in the automotive industry. Many national laboratories use it in R&D studies and for calibration measurements. This accessory is compatible with the LAMBDA 650/850/850+/950/1050/1050+ spectrometers.

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Marke PerkinElmer
Geräte-Hersteller PerkinElmer

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