Rechteckige versiegelte Natriumchlorid-Küvette, Schichtdicke: 1,0 mm

Rechteckige versiegelte Natriumchlorid-Küvette, Schichtdicke: 1,0 mm

Artikel-Nr.: PEL1270949
Marke: PerkinElmer
Lieferung nach:
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
PAK (1 pc)


This Preassembled Sealed Liquid Cell is a rectangular cell with sodium chloride windows and has a 1 mm path length.

Sealed liquid cells have a corrosion-resistant construction, making them ideal for highly volatile samples. Each cell has a precise path length which is calibrated using the interference pattern generated by an empty cell in the beam of a spectrometer. These cells are ideal for quantitative analysis where you require an accurate reproducible cell thickness. They use a lead spacer which is amalgamated to the window material. The resultant bond forms a good leak-free seal which is effective in preventing evaporation and loss of sample. You can fill or empty liquid samples easily. The sealed liquid cell is an integral unit and cannot be disassembled. Rugged construction Easy to fill and clean Leak-free operation Calibrated for quantitative analysis Usable on all PerkinElmer FT-IR spectrometers

Mehr Informationen

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Marke PerkinElmer
Material Natriumchlorid

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