1-Slot-Keramik HybridXLT™ Quarzbrenner

1-Slot-Keramik HybridXLT™ Quarzbrenner

Artikel-Nr.: PEN0780128
Marke: PerkinElmer
Lieferung nach:
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
PAK (1 pc)


PerkinElmer's 1-Slot HybridXLT™ ceramic-quartz torch is used with Optima™ 8x00 ICP-OES series instruments. This torch has an extended lifetime compared to the standard quartz torch in order to increase instrument uptime and decrease maintenance costs. This HybridXLT Torch gives you a viewable plasma compared to a full ceramic design, and is ideal for all sample types, except organic solvents.

PerkinElmer's HybridXLT torch is the latest addition to the family of PerkinElmer genuine sample introduction components. The new ceramic/quartz hybrid design provides the highest performance for your Optima ICP-OES 8x00 spectrometer. This new torch has an extended lifetime of up to 10x your current quartz torch, increasing instrument uptime and decreasing maintenance costs. This 1-slot torch is standard for aqueous solutions while the 3-slot HybridXLT torch (N0790249) is recommended for organic solvents. Features/Benefits: Extended Torch Lifetime - up to 10x improvement. Viewable plasma compared to a full ceramic design. Ideal for all sample types, except organic solvents. Increased instrument uptime. Lower cost per analysis. Lower cost than full ceramic torches.

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