Hochreine Quarz-Zyklonsprühkammer mit Gasanschluss für NexION 300/350 PC3 Systeme

Hochreine Quarz-Zyklonsprühkammer mit Gasanschluss für NexION 300/350 PC3 Systeme

Artikel-Nr.: PEN8145120
Marke: PerkinElmer
Lieferung nach:
Deutschland Österreich Schweiz
PAK (1 pc)


This quartz baffled cyclonic spray chamber, with auxiliary gas port and drain line (N8141425), is used in conjunction with PC3 Peltier cooled inlet systems with NexION® 300 and 350 ICP-MS series instruments.

The baffled cyclonic spray chamber is an all-purpose spray chamber for non-hydrofluoric acid samples. It features O-ring-free connections to the nebulizer and torch injector, secure, leak-free threaded drain port, 7 mm internal baffle, and threaded auxiliary port for gas addition. The spray chamber provides excellent sensitivity, stability and low blanks.

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Marke PerkinElmer
Material Quarz

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