HPLC-Säule ZirChrom-EZ, 3 µm, 4,6 x 150 mm

HPLC-Säule ZirChrom-EZ, 3 µm, 4,6 x 150 mm

Artikel-Nr.: ZCEZ01-1546
Marke: ZirChrom
PAK (1 pc)


ZirChrom-EZ provides the traditional unique selectivity of zirconia while facilitating the buffer selection process in the pH range of 1-10. This new ease-of-use capability, along with its orthogonal selectivity for pharmaceutical compounds, makes ZirChrom-EZ well suited for LC/MS applications.

Historically, the Lewis base carboxylic acid moiety on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs required the use of a Lewis base mobile phase additive of a higher strength in the elutropic series (such as phosphate or fluoride). While these types of additives work well in applications with UV/Vis detection, their use is almost entirely prohibited in LC/MS applications due to their relatively low volatility. The deactivation of Lewis acid sites on the surface of the ZirChrom-EZ particle allows the chromatography of Lewis base analytes using mobile phase additives of the user’s choice including conventional LC/MS compatible buffers (such as acetate and formate) throughout the pH range of 1-10.

  • Easy-To-Use
  • Unique Selectivity
  • Wide Applicability
  • Low Bleed for LC/MS

Mehr Informationen

  • techn. Details
Marke ZirChrom
Säulenbezeichnung ZirChrom
Packungsspezifizierung EZ
Innendurchmesser 4.6 mm
Partikelgröße 3,0 µm
pH Range 1 - 10
Länge 150 mm

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