Sachtopore is an inorganic, porous, HPLC stationary phase comprised of titanium dioxide (titania). The particles are spherical, monodisperse and are available in a wide range of well controlled particle and pore sizes. Currently Sachtopore is available in normal and reversed-phase modes: Sachtopore-NP and Sachtopore-RP, respectively. Sachtopore-NP is a bare titania particle whereas Sachtopore-RP is polyethylene coated titania. Both stationary phases are very chemically and thermally stable and offer unique chromatographic selectivity. These new phases offer the increased thermal and chemical stability traditionally associated with zirconia-based phases. In addition, the Sachtopore® particle is highly versatile; allowing modification of both particle and pore size. These new titania-based packings offer the chromatographer a very rugged alternative to silica for both analytical and preparative-scale separations.
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2.1 mm
Normalphase (NP)
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