96 Position Block Systems (RITTER) with Glass Inserts are used in combination chemistry when the pure PP Block is not inert enough.
These Inserts that are customs-tailored to fit a broad variety of 96 Well Blocks of Messrs. RITTER can either be sealed individually with a PE Cap Seal or over the whole block with a Sealmat block over.
The products can be obtained as individual components or as completely assembled, ready-to-use convenience blocks.
This product is an alternative to the products (SKU) of these brands: Agilent:- Waters: alt. zu 186000857 - Chromacol: see catalogue - National Scientific:- Wheaton:- Finneran:- SUN/SRI International:
More Information
Altmann Analytik
Polypropylene (PP)
deep well plate
Volume / Package size
1,0 ml
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