10 ready-to-use plates with YGC agar for the detection and colony counting of yeasts and molds from food. Isolate and enumerate yeast and molds from food samples using Thermo Scientific™ Yeast Extract Glucose-Chloramphenicol Medium. Chloramphenicol in the medium is a selective bacterial growth inhibitory agent. The selection of the suitable culture medium for determining the germ count of yeasts and molds from food samples depends heavily on the type of food to be examined and the organisms found on it. Yeast Extract Glucose-Chloramphenicol Agar remains bacteriostatic when inoculated with no more than 1 mL of a 10-1 dilution of the food sample followed by incubation at 25 °C for no longer than five days, as is usual in food mycology.
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Oxoid Deutschland
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