HPLC Guard Column HILICpak VC-50G 2A, 5 µm, 2 x 10 mm

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HPLC Guard Column HILICpak VC-50G 2A, 5 µm, 2 x 10 mm
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- Polymer-based HILIC column with modified carboxyl groups
- Suitable for cationic substance analysis including amines
- The dominant separation mode is RP or IEX rather than HILIC mode
- Polymer-based packing material provides excellent chemical stability and minimum deterioration over extended time period
- Usable in a wide pH range from pH 2 to 12
- Suitable for LC-MS/MS analysis
More Information
Brand |
Shodex |
Column description |
HILICpak |
Package specification |
(COO-) Carboxyl |
Inner diameter |
2 mm |
mode |
Particle Size |
5,0 µm |
pH Range |
2 - 12 |
Pore size |
100 Å |
Length |
10 mm |
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