SUPERIOREX II ODS is a successor model of SUPERIOREX ODS, with not only the same feature of high carbon product, but the greatly improved durability, and lot-to-lot variation. This column has also the high loading capacity, and it is suitable for semi-preparative chromatography. It can be used for general purposes C18 column such as an analysis of isomer with inadequate separation, or retention.
Large retention brought by high carbon content (25%) SUPERIOREX II ODS has the most hydrophobicity column in the Osaka Soda columns line-up Optimum for routine analysis Sharp peaks of basic compounds
More Information
Osaka Soda (former Shiseido)
Carbon load
Column description
Superiorex II
Package specification
C18 (RP18, ODS, Octadecyl)
Inner diameter
20 mm
Reversed Phase (RP)
Particle Size
5,0 µm
Pore size
100 Å
USP number
50 mm
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