Sep-Pak Aluminiumoxid A Vac Kartuschen enthalten eine hochaktive Klasse von Aluminiumoxid mit einer sauren Oberflächenchemie. The aluminum oxide surface provides an extremely polar surface for analyte retention and has properties of a Lewis acid. This normal phase sorbent is similar in use to silica, however, it is slightly more stable than unfunctionalized silica under high pH conditions. This acidic alumina is also low-capacity ion exchanger in aqueous media. Unlike polymer-based ion exhangers, this sorbent is unaffected by high-energy radioactivity and can be used for radioactive compound isolation. These syringe-barrel-type cartridges are designed for use with vacuum manifolds and automated SPE instruments.
More Information
Alumina A
Sorbent weight
5 g
Tube Size
20 ml
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