HPLC Column YMC-Triart C8, high pressure rated (450 bar), Microbore, 12 nm, S-3 µm, 50 x 3.0 mm
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HPLC Column YMC-Triart C8, high pressure rated (450 bar), Microbore, 12 nm, S-3 µm, 50 x 3.0 mm
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More Information
Brand |
Carbon load |
17.0% |
Column description |
YMC Triart |
Package specification |
C8 (RP8, Octyle) |
Endcapping |
multi-stage |
Inner diameter |
3 mm |
mode |
Reversed Phase (RP) |
Particle Size |
3,0 µm |
pH Range |
1 - 12 |
Pore size |
120 Å |
USP number |
L7 |
Length |
50 mm |
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