YMC is one of the most established manufacturers of HPLC columns. The product portfolio ranges from classical analytical over chiral to semi preparative HPLC columns. Furthermore every column of YMC is individually tested to provide peak symmetry and general performance as well as the high quality standards of YMC products. For each column a performance report can be provided as well. YMC HPLC columns are available with different phases such as Hydrosphere, Jsphere, YMC chiral or basic. You will also find a wide range of packing materials: C18, C8, CN Diol, Silica, Phenyl and many more.
Information on YMC columns & phases can be found in this brochure. If you have any questions about YMC HPLC columns, please do not hesitate to contact our product experts.
Learn more about the various YMC column families down below.
YMC HPLC columns are based on high purity silica providing excellent resolution for a wide range of analytes. Under the name YMC-UltraHT LC Columns YMC distributes HPLC columns, which provide considerable time saving without resort to ultra high pressures. Additionally, selectivity is fully up- and down-scalable.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
YMC-UltraHT Pro C18 | 2 | 120 | 17 | 2 - 8 |
YMC-UltraHT Hydrosphere C18 | 2 | 120 | 12 | 2 - 8 |
The Pro Family of YMC are made out of high purity silica. Furthermore every packed column is supplied with a lot certificate on physicochemical properties of the bare silica, minimal metal traces, bonding and chromatography performance. A test chromatogram showing high performance plate count together with tight specification on peak symmetry is offered.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
ProC18 | 2, 3, 5 | 120 | 16 | 2 - 8 |
ProC8 | 3, 5 | 120 | 10 | 2 - 7.5 |
ProC4 | 3, 5 | 120 | 7 | 2 - 7.5 |
ProC18RS | 3, 5 | 80 | 22 | 1 - 10 |
Hydrosphere C18 | 2, 3, 5 | 120 | 12 | 2 - 8 |
The international renowned HPLC column YMC-Pack ODS-A are made out of fully endcapped C18 material. This packing material is used for common analyses as a highly versatile ODS phase. Application areas are polar to non-polar pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, biologicals and natural products.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
YMC-Pack ODS-A | 3, 5 | 120 | 17 | 2 - 7.5 |
This packing material is a "hydrophilic" C18 HPLC column. YMC-Pack ODS-AQ are mainly used for analyses of polar and metabolite substances.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
YMC-Pack ODS-AQ | 3, 5 | 120 | 14 | 2 - 7.5 |
This packing material allows the analysis of various different large proteins and peptides. The silica is derivatized with 1,2-dihydroxypropane and available with the variety of pore size available.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Surface Area [m2g-1] | pH Range |
Small proteins | 5 | 60 | 650 | 5 - 7.5 |
Medium sized proteins | 5 | 120 | 330 | 5 - 7.5 |
Large proteins | 5 | 200 | 175 | 5 - 7.5 |
Very large proteins | 5 | 300 | 100 | 5 - 7.5 |
The chiral HPLC columns of YMC can be used as reversed phase as well as for normal phase chromatography. This way non-polar to moderate polar components can be separated.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
YMC CD BR-a | 5 | 120, 300 | - | - |
YMC NEA | 5 | 120, 300 | - | - |
YMC-Pack JSphere ODS HPLC columns are characterized by the high quality of this reversed phase column. Furthermore the polarity range is solely created by C18 bonding density. Additionally the selectivity is increased through H-bonding.
Phase | Particle Size [µm] | Pore Size [Å] | Carbon Load [%] | pH Range |
JH | 4 | 80 | 22 | 1 - 9 |
JM | 4 | 80 | 14 | 2 - 7.5 |
JL | 4 | 80 | 9 | 2 - 7.5 |