Headspace Crimp Cap silver, aluminium, 10mm center hole, with translucent blue Sil/white PTFE Septa, for 20mm Crimp Top Headspace vials, MicroSolv Brand, 100 pc/PAK
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Headspace Crimp Cap silver, aluminium, 10mm center hole, with translucent blue Sil/white PTFE Septa, for 20mm Crimp Top Headspace vials, MicroSolv Brand, 100 pc/PAK
Caps, Headspace, Crimp Top, with Translucent Blue Silicone Rubber / White PTFE Septa, fitted in Aluminum, Silver Caps with 10mm center holes. For use with 20mm Crimp Top Headspace Vials. MicroSolv Brand