GC column BPX90, 0,25 µm, 100 m x 0,25 mm ID, 90% Cyanopropyl Polysilphenylensiloxan
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GC column BPX90, 0,25 µm, 100 m x 0,25 mm ID, 90% Cyanopropyl Polysilphenylensiloxan
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MS-Premium, low bleed column range with a maximum temperature up to 280°C. Extremely polar phase for the fast separation of aromatics, perfumes, petrochemicals and other compounds that are difficult to resolve using conventional columns.
More Information
Trajan (SGE)
Column description
Package specification
90% Cyanopropyl-Polysilphenylensiloxane
Film thickness
0.25 μm
Inner diameter
0.25 mm
Max operating temperature
up to 280°C
100 m
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